Hello Andrew - questions about the lottery.
We have two sites set for pick 3 out of 20 numbers.
How is the payout set for these. On both sites with a draw that just happened the number was drawn but shows no winners. Do you have to have all three numbers correct, or does it pay for one number correct, or two, etc.
Here is some tickets recorded on one site for todays draw:
2 10 17
9 10 17
1 2 8
1 2 15
3 6 10
2 8 12
9 10 17
Numbers drawn 6, 16, 19,
Another sites numbers for todays draw:
1 7 9
5 10 16
7 15 17
15 17 19
9 10 16
3 12 18
7 12 18
8 16 18
The numbers drawn were 1, 10, 19.
If you get something for pick 1 right then in the above tickets I should have been a winner 4 times. Yet next to the drawn number it says no winners in the box.
Also how does one know if they win anything in the lottery, is it announced anywhere?
Sorry for the questions, just trying to get it straight as i know members are going to ask the same questions.