I recently change domain names from
www.apokalypse-apk.com to
now ever since ive done this my forums hasnt been the same
the images are X out
I cant post,edit or reply to anything
My shoutbox is X out
And many many other little things are wrong
if u take alook at this first pic
the location is saying my old domain name
this second one if u look at the lower left corner says "looking up www.apokalypse-apk.com" now remeber my new domain name is
and this third one if u look at the right side for my poll the images are gone
this 4th one is taken after 1-2 min of it loading
and this last one is when its done loading!!
Does anyone know what i have to do to fix this?? im at the point im about to just shut my forums down and eat the money cause im so mad... sigh
any help would be apprec or atleast apoint in the right direction.. i am new to this so a dummy down version would be great lol
this is my forum link