I just upgraded just then.
1. I click on main in the admincp, and none of my images show.
tip. It is trying to load this url /admincp/sotw.php?do=main
tip. if I type in this url /admincp/sotw.php The images show.
2. the error that shows in the add new entry section "Could not find phrase 'sotw_fill_in_all'." Is still there.
3. In the image url location, it has a max character setting of only 80 characters, and the url I have is over 80 characters as it is from one of those free image uploading services, so this setting should be set to 150 characters.
How will I edit this myself in the meantime tho.
4. Needs a : after Total Votes in the info box
5. if you choose 5 stars, when you hover over the stars, you spelt Excellent wrong.
6. SOTW history is only showing this weeks entry and none of my other weeks are showing.
7. It would be good to have an extra field in the sotw entry area which links to that weeks sotw thread.
Apart from that, it is looking better. keep up the good work.