<a href="http://www.trlinux.com/" target="_blank">Postaci webmail</a> (latest release 1.1.3) is one of the most widely used php web based email system (check out the screenshots). I'm currently having vBulletin Integrated with Postaci, and a Classified Ad system.
This should be a great product for anyone who plans to launch a portal in php. Outsourcing your web based email can cost thousands of dollars monthly. A 20 gig dedicated server cost just $99 a month from. That's 10,000 users with 2mb of email space each.
If anyone is interested in sharing the cost of this project please email me.
Bid range or cost for this project so far is between $300 - $500. The more people the better.
You must have POP3 and IMAP functions complied into PHP to use Postaci.