Thanks alot Xplorer4x4, i have increased the links to allow up to 400 chars in this "patch" before getting wrapped.
Its actually just a number changed from 55 to 400 instead.
Since im far from being a coder, i tried to use common sense, and it says:
// under the 55 chars length, don't wordwrap this
So i thought, why not search for the variable "55" and replace it with something else

and IT WORKS..
$tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink);
if (vbstrlen($tmp) > 55 AND $this->is_wysiwyg() == false)
And replace with
$tmp = unhtmlspecialchars($rightlink);
if (vbstrlen($tmp) > 400 AND $this->is_wysiwyg() == false)
This "patch" or example allows you to parse links, show it fully on the board while being under 400 chars it wont get shortened.
I hope this thread is somewhat usefull for some.
At least it fixed the issue for me.
Thanks again :up: your the best!