Well, if your board has high demands, you can always add the PS support option to your current plan. Check there stie for more info. Start with your forum @ best and when it encounters issues, just upgrade to the PS plan which acts like a VPS. You maintain all your own bandwidth. The PS gives you protected processors and RAM to your current package. What I like is you can always keep uping that amount of CPU access and ram that you need. If you add too much, you can always bump it down @ anytime.
Oh, for another 10 bucks a month, dreamhost will give you now like 10TB of bandwidth and a 40GB bandwidth increase a week!
--------------- Added at 06:41 ---------------
Originally Posted by energetic
It seem to be a inexpensive hosting plan.
How about the speed connection ?
I am in Asia, I concern the connection speed .
Concerning your message, here is a test link. I've downloaded at 900kbps many times.
It's a FF MP3 i put up for test. Enjoy!
Oh and they just added a new option for 10 bucks a month, you get 10TB a month with a 40GB growth every week.
The part that kills you is if you overload the cpu. DL's do not affect that. Insane blogs and insane forums will do that, but now they have this cool option on top of every host of a PS package where they dedicate ram and processors to your package, so you maintain the 10TB of bandwith. It's like a add vps to a shared package. They have a 97 day guarantee, so it's worth a try. I'm a happy customer