Firstly, thanks to all who have posted to this thread.
I have now found a much easier way to do this. So this is for the people who may want to have this feature on their board (if any).
Rather than creating a new variable in the `setting` table (which mind you would be nice and easy for non-coders to edit in the admin cp), I have simply created a plugin which hooks at global_start (thanks Dismounted), and is just one line of code.
$vboptions['bbtitle_discrete'] = "My Discrete Forum Name";
Additionally, I had to replace the variable $vboptions['bbtitle'] to with $vboptions['bbtitle_discrete'] in all of the required phrases.
Now here is some food for thought:
I guess, one could probably still get this to work as I previously mentioned, with a new variable in the setting table.
All you would have to do is modify the plugin to retrieve the setting from the database, before setting the variable in the plugin, so that the variable isn't "hard coded" so to speak.
Maybe like this?
(Please note: The following code is not complete, it is merely an attempt to show an idea.)
SQL Code to add the new variable:
INSERT INTO `setting` VALUES ('bbtitle_discrete', 'address', 'My Discrete Forum Name', 'vBulletin Forums', '', 15, 0, 1, 'free', 'vbulletin', '', 0);
INSERT INTO `phrase` VALUES ('', -1, 'setting_bbtitle_discrete_desc', 'vbsettings', 'A discrete name for your forum. This appears in emails etc. (Wherever $vboptions[bbtitle_discrete] appears)', 'vbulletin', '', 0, '', 0);
INSERT INTO `phrase` VALUES ('', -1, 'setting_bbtitle_discrete_title', 'vbsettings', 'Discrete Forum Name', 'vbulletin', '', 0, '', 0);
New Plugin Code:
$con = the connection resource
$qry = mysql_query("SELECT `value` FROM `setting` WHERE `varname` = 'bbtitle_discrete';", $con);
$res = mysql_get_array($qry);
$vboptions['bbtitle_discrete'] = $res['value'];