What I've done is created another BBCode for images that people don't want to "zoom".
The replacement text is:
<img src="{param}" border=0>
You can make a third BBCode and use this replacement, taken from the
Borgs' BB Code Pack thread:
<a href="{param}"><img width="100%" src="{param}" border="0"></a>
That will link to the larger image, while displaying a smaller version that doesn't break your layout.
Originally Posted by parabat
Just as a side note to those that might want to try this. I have successfully used Elenna's suggestion to get highslide to work with the img tag. Here is the suggestion.
But as brfrankl points out, this might be an issue for those that use images in a signature. Sorry I'm not coder, so can't help in that regard.
Again, thanx for this awesome mod and Elenna's advice