Originally Posted by OneEyeSleepy
Sorry, I am a new user and already installed this Mod. I read your brief documentation but how do you use it? I can edit the form and save it into a text file, where do I put it into?
OneEyeSleepy I like your name because I never sleep with both eyes closed
Dont ask why...
Link below and proceeding posts may help U...
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Vien I dont think that BUG is a major issue cause ABE1 ain't posted about it...
I haven't had time 2 look into it,,, but all seems well with all my clients using forms on boards...
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Originally Posted by MoJo Smirnoff
can someone please help me...i got the form all done...but i have no submit button. i guess i might have deleted the code on accident..
can some please share the code for the submit button..and tell me exactly where i deleted it from lol
Upload your form plugin and templates in .txt format and I will fix 4 ya...
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Alan92rttt I believe there was another poster asking the same question and we found there is a vbulletin issue causing that with this hack...
I forget which poster,,, but its back a few pages...
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RMS-Chef that is a cool add-to,,, I will look into it if time permits...
Im more of a graphics and java guy,,, php coding gives me a headache and takes time -$
I will post l8ter about it if time permits...
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74corvette its possible,,, but U will need to make changes 2 plugin code... ASK ABE1
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Originally Posted by wolfe
m8 is there any way of you making this mod so when a form is posted its posted in its own fields in the database like the title and message is instead of adding to the message box. and when the post is edited it loads the same form as it was originaly posted by. also remove the message box for set forums so its just the extra form fields only and not the original message box. would really appreciate this. thx :P
Another poster asked the same question in earlier posts...
What U ask will need some major updates by ABE1 or Add-on mod???
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Originally Posted by cellarius
Yeap PERMISSION mods seem 2 be giving other mods some minor issues...