MrZeropage, following needs to be looked into
1) The disqualification problem. The 7 day rule is not properly enforrced. I am giving examples.
a) Sometimes the arcade tourney gets locked when even though both the players have played the games, the winner is not advanced. In such cases we are shown a link to "make winner advance". Now if the faceoff player at next level has completed his games and was waiting for this guy, and if we advanced this person a bit late, than the original waiting person gets disqualified(if his waiting period was more than 7 days) A better option would be to reset his time when we make the winner advance as he can only play when he has an opponent. The time reset should be done everythime the faceoff player is ready and not from the time one guy becomes promoted to next level as to be fair to him he didn't have anyone to play against during that time. Yes he could have played on his own but people usually wait to see opponent before playing or before completing the game quota and in those cases(see point#2 below) he will get disqualified again cos of not completing the games in 7 days.
b) Another major problem is that in case a person has say 3/3 game tourney and two guys are playing. Suppose person-A has played all three games and person B has played only 1 out of 3 but has a higher score in that then all three combined games of A, after 7 days if B doesn't complete his rest 2 games(he has no need to)
B shouldn't be disqualified. As he had more score than A even though he played one game, B should be promoted and A eliminated.
Some feature requests:
- I would also recommend that you have a cron maybe to check stalled tourneys that we can run say every day automatically that advances winners. This should take care of stalls.
- Also i would suggest a setting in admincp to cap the maximum tournaments that can be run at any given time. People seem to be opening a lot of tourneys without finishing the older ones.
- A group setting on who can take part in the tournament. (so that only active guys can)
The feature requests aren't important. But the tourney probs need a fix. People are getting a bit disillusioned by the arcade tournament's otherwise.