Originally Posted by DiverTree
one says to add $custom_singlelinks, and the other says to add $custom_droplinks in the functions.php ... but, neither one work by themselves or with each other to get the links to show up in my arcade. i love this hack so if anybody would mind helping me out on this it would be greatly appreciated. im running vb 3.6.8 with the ibproarcade 2.6.3. any ideas?
should the line end with a ";" or a ","?
i found out the hard way that it ends with a semicolon. 
if i add ...
... $session, $show, $pmbox, $custom_singlelinks, $custom_droplinks;
at the end of line 1241 in the arcade functions.php file, the single links show up, but the dropdown links dont show up at all. could the arcade navbar just underneith the forums navbar be effecting it?