Originally Posted by Alibass
Does your program work with wild cards? If not you know google has a wad of serach engine like google.it, google.uk, google.nl etc. Adding just google.com doesn't stop them all, you half to add each individual one.
Another for instance, yesterday I had four refbacks to approve for the same website and thread. I tick yes to one and left the other three to leave and all four where approved and added to the bottom of my forum.  What's up with that? Seems to me only the one should have been approved and the the other three left.
I'm going to look into that bug this weekend if I get a chance. Regarding wildcards, it would be very easy to add. At the moment, it just searches for the URL for that string, so if you want to filter out all google domains, use "google." in the blacklist. Unfortunately if you have a url that also happens to contain the string google. it'll block that too. I'll consider possibly blocking search engine refbacks in a different way i.e. regex's hardcoded somewhere: google\.(it|com) etc...