Site Name: X-TRAD
Description: Site for support translations to Portuguese(BR). Principal focus is translations of opensource scripts: XOOPS [] and MySQLDumper for example.
Reason for Nomination: How a non-profit project, we need feedbacks to point us in the right way

. This site is one of references in Brasil in opensource - we have a team of colaborators [volunteers] working to spread good opensource codes. We work using all features of vBulletin and some add-ons.
The beginning: I bought my first licence of vBulletin after see some linux support sites working with vB. And I think about build a space to translate codes - in fact I don't know php, java etc. But my intention is help opensource projects. After all: freedom is choice and free codes makes all better.
Then ... I created the community.
Now: we have a crescent group of members and have a lot of scripts [translated] to download.
obs: in the past, we work the portuguesebr package language of vB in this site. Now, we move this work to other non-commercial project. X-TRAD only works with scripts under CreativeCommons ShareAlike License
The future: we plan build a NGO.
Our sections are: Links [vblinks], DownloadsII, Wiki [nuWiki] and portal [vBadvanced].
We use other improvements: bbcodes, first post with ajax, who's visited and others. Our intention is create the best enviromment to translators do their work.
Simple and with all tools.
The style was created [logo, forum_icons etc]: using vBseo style how basic style.
And all team can relax listening music [radio and tv hack], or can see the google videos .
I will appreciate your opinions and - naturally

- your votes!
All the best
Joao Barroca
aka beduino
* references in text:
** personal references [opensource]
And working with xoops: