I have added a tcat that uses a middle, right and left corner (all different images). I added the coding in the right templates and I have the three part tcat code working.
However, the gradient from the original tcat class still shows up behind it. See Screenshot 1 below:
I cannot get rid of it properly.
What I did at first was set the padding on the "tcat" class in the Styles manager was: padding: 0;. It did shrink to what I want
But this affects other pages as well using the tcat class:
(tcat take from the forum view section)
How can I shrink the tcat on the index page without messing it up on my other pages?
Three Part tcat Code CSS:
.tcat_main {
background: url(http://sixpop.com/images/file/77938217.gif) top left repeat-x;
height: 31px;
.tcat_left {
background: url(http://sixpop.com/images/file/78314222.gif) top left no-repeat;
height: 31px;
.tcat_right {
background: url(http://sixpop.com/images/file/61109970.gif) top right no-repeat;
height: 31px;
.tcat_text {
padding: 10px; /* may need to play around with this value depending on your images */
Template I applied the tcat DIVs to:
<br />
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat" colspan="<if condition="$vboptions[showmoderatorcolumn]">6<else />5</if>">
<div class="tcat_main"><div class="tcat_left"><div class="tcat_right"><div class="tcat_text">
<if condition="$childforumbits">
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumbit_$forumid')"><img id="collapseimg_forumbit_$forumid" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat{$collapseimg_forumid}.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]">$forum[title]</a>
<if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div></if>
<if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $forum[subforums]</div></if>
<tr align="center">
<td class="thead" width="4%"> </td>
<td class="thead" width="65%" align="$stylevar[left]">$vbphrase[forum]</td>
<td class="thead" width="6%">$vbphrase[last_post]</td>
<td class="thead" width="6%">$vbphrase[threads]</td>
<td class="thead" width="6%">$vbphrase[posts]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">
<td class="thead" width="13%">$vbphrase[moderator]</td>
<if condition="$childforumbits">
<tbody id="collapseobj_forumbit_$forumid" style="{$collapseobj_forumid}">
RED signifies the 3 piece tcat codes