For the video poker i get the following errors:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /casino/vidpok_redeal.php on line 151
Warning: Wrong parameter count for max() in /casino/vidpok_redeal.php on line 187
Warning: Wrong parameter count for min() in /casino/vidpok_redeal.php on line 187
Line 151-71 in the casino/vidpok_redeal.php file reads:
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$f[$i] = $row['card'] % 13;
$s[$i] = floor($row['card']/13);
$f2 = $f[$i];
$s2 = $s[$i];
if($s2==0)$cardfile = "casino/cards/spades-";
else if($s2==1)$cardfile = "casino/cards/diamonds-";
else if($s2==2)$cardfile = "casino/cards/hearts-";
else if($s2==3)$cardfile = "casino/cards/clubs-";
if($f2+2<11)$cardfile .= ($f2+2) . "-150.png";
else if($f2+2==11)$cardfile .= "j-150.png";
else if($f2+2==12)$cardfile .= "q-150.png";
else if($f2+2==13)$cardfile .= "k-150.png";
else if($f2+2==14)$cardfile .= "a-150.png";
eval('$t_cards .= "' . fetch_template('casino_vidpoker_cards') . '";');
line 186-8 reads:
if ((max($f) - min($f)) == 4) $straight = max($f)+1;