Hi. Nice job.
Looks like plenty of work went into it. The design elements look neat and tidy. Possibly the red text hyperlinking is an issue but it is distinctive.
Some issues I found were that the image paths were set to:
instead of
You had 890 px set for the main table width. I changed it to 100% so that it works properly with higher width displays. Tested on three different formats so far and it works fine. (i know it is meant to be fixed but ....)
I also found that the 11pt font size was a bit big for low resolution screens (it means that you get almost no information on a page after side columns, padding and other overheads...
on large high res screens the text looked a bit clunky too.
9 pt works neatly.
final thing is that the header.gif is nearly 100k in size. this makes it a slow load for most browsers and networks speeds. I did a compression down to 19k for web display and it looks ok. btw the logo probably needs some source so that people can edit it... the generic title is not useful but the style of the logo is great for the overall look.
Thank you for your work. I think I will use this one in production.