Originally Posted by Uniphix
im sure its possible but i doubt i will implement it, your more then welcome to do it thou,just add a javascript code to set a cookie with each id that was opened, then on return check for the cookie and open/close these ids as needed.
Originally Posted by Axel Foley
Thanks for the mod Dankness.
I have some things to tell/ask you:
1. In the zip file, in the upload\modules directory, the file treemenu already exists, but since we have to upload the .module file that recreates the treemenu.php file it generates confusion. I think you should let the .module file create the .php file in the module subdir; so remove the module/treemenu.php file from the zip.
2. Update the .module file in the zip with the updated one for vBa 3.0 RC2.
3. With the updated .module (vBA 3.0 RC2), the following code in the treemenu.php gilr does not exist:
PHP Code:
//---> Add Forum IDs to This Array if You Use Them as a Catagory and Not a Forum, It Will Remove Linking To These Forums $forums_array = array(0);
4. I already had configured forumdisplay.php in the vBAdvanced Global Options in order to let vBA rewrite the urls of the script with the prefix of the forum's URL (/forum) but it doesn't work with your hack. I had to manually edit treemenu.php putting "/forum" before the 3 calls to forumdisplay.php.
Thank you again for this hack. 
Yes i need to re-package the modules, The zip file works for the older version of VBA which is what i use. The module is for the newer version of VBA. I will add the forum url rewrite in the next version when i have time to release it again and I had to remove the forums array due to it causing errors on alot of ppls' forums for some reason. I dont know why but VBA 3.0 RC2 didnt like it. And since personally i dont use that version Im not gonna find out why its broken until i am forced to update. Your more then welcome to take a survey and get back to us on it thou.
Originally Posted by ragtek
a idea how the div can be hidden, until the site is loaded?
so nobody would have the problem with the "open treemenu" until the site is loaded and yui "collapsed" it
Yea that can also be done very easyly. And its a really good idea actually, Use opacity instead of display none or if i remember correctly YUI cant reset it ( or that mighta just been prototype and mootools, i havent tryd it with YUI but opacity works so just use it lol ) When i have some free time to work on it I will add it, and Im still looking at your pm with the class info Ill see what i can do with it later tonight maybe tommorow.
How do I include 'Expand or Collapse' button?
How do I delete '?' ' >' ?
You can delete the funny symbols by looking in the treemenu.php file one of them is &raco; for the other is just a > I know the > is in the switch statement look for the <a href's in the code to find them
The Expand Collapse button could be added, you should search google for "Yahoo YUI Treemenu" and you will find Yahoo has Grade A Execellent Docs on all the Javascript library and with a Simple addition of 2 lines of code that I know is documented somewhere in there you can add that.