Navbar Question
Okay now i may be sounding like a n00b and that because with vBul i am!
I was just after a quick bit of help.. This may also help other vBul users too. As i canot find any information regarding THIS (not problems occuring after editing which is all i could seem to find in google :S)
I have been searching high and low and cannot find a tutorial on how to edit the navbar in vBul 3.6.8..
I have no problems finding what i need to find in the navbar template:
ie (for the UserCP tab):
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></td>
But i don't know how to edit this..
I wish to know...
1. How do i make it say something else ie UserMenu instead of UserCP?
2. How do i delete the ones i dont want?
3. How do i add more custom ones?
4. How do i make a Drop Down (Quick links style) Menu?
5. The Complicated one.... How do i make some only appear when you are signed in
Cheers Everyone