Others will be able to better answer this however I will give it ago. I own a board with over 600 000 posts and over 110 000 members in just over 2 years.
1. It sounds like you would be best with a managed dedicated server with cpanel where the support is great, and they will be able to move your site over to the dedicated server, and ensure everything is up and running fast, with the least downtime. There are many companies that do this, I am with hostforweb, I have been with them for over a year, because of there great support. They are a little more expensive however. I always get custom built servers from them, instead of buying what the display, just a tip. You can find many more dedicated server providers at webhostingtalk
2. A good time to move, is when you notice the server you are on, is giving mysql errors, laggy, members complaining, or your host says, you need to upgrade. Any of those is a good indication to upgrade. However in the mean time, make sure you do daily backups of your site/database and have them on your computer, and not on your host. Some hosts can be really crap, and terminate your account when you outgrow it, without any notice, and you could loose everything, and there crappy fine print which you didnt read says they can on these crap hosts, lets hope you are on a good one, who will support you if you decide to move on. Overall not many hosts would do that, but it is best to be prepared incase you chose a dodgy one.
3. Google banned me 2 years ago, as my members clicked on the ads as my members thohught it would support my site. Yahoo does not accept me as I am in Australia. I am currently with bravenet, they are the best solution I have found currently. However, I am currently starting my own ad network, but I will only be hosting ads on my network of sites, which I will be expanding more and more over time, and will be selling ads very soon, I feel this is going to be the best way to go. Others will be able to better answer this however.
4. I am on a quad core, and my server average is about 1 to 2. Not the best, but my server is not lagging anymore, on my last dedicated server it was going up to 10 all the time. I have optimized my server about the most it can be done by using vbulletin.com server help section, and they gave me good advise over there which I just passed onto my host, where they did the changes and upgrades that I needed

sometimes when im not as busy, I will do these changes myself, they are not that hard, and when you do things yourself, you seem to learn more anyway.
5. Not at all, the host is normally happy to do it, you can check first however. If they wont, then it is easy, just ftp the files to your computer, then upload them to the new server. then make a backup of the database, put the backup on your new server, and import it. However other people will be able to show you better instructions then that with better terminology. (I think there is even a feature in cpanel where you can do it all through as well, not 100% sure tho)
6. There has been much talk of this in the past, eg. thread on here that is called top 10 works hacks for server load or something like that. There are not that many hacks that can cripple your site where they are poorly coded, however there is some, too many to name by memory anyway. I must confess, I am a junkie, and I like installing hacks

Tip: Check your server load average. Install the hack. Monitor your server load. If it does not affect your site much, then great, if it brings your site to a halt, uninstall it, until you are on a better server, or it is better coded etc.
Hope my post helps, there is no one answer, so the more people who post, the more helpful overall it will be to you.