vBulletin and PhotoPost Integration navbar link url issue
First off, I realize this is not photopost.com and this is vbulletin.org, however, I am really trying to resolve a problem.
I am hoping some users in here also run vBulletin with PhotoPost using the vB3 integration option that lets you share the header, style, and footer between both applications.
Okay, here is the problem I am having. The header is displaying just fine on vBulletin and just fine on PhotoPost. The problem is the links in the navbar at the bottom of the header are going to the wrong url. For some reason, they have a /photopost/ in the url that I never added.
The same links work fine on my vBulletin forums, but the moment you go to the Photopost Main Index, those same exact links get modified with the /photopost/ added to the url.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Chuck S. was helping me over there at PhotoPost, but he is gone for the weekend.