Originally Posted by blue6995
I have just tried to install the security fix 1.1 (I had already installed version 1.0, which installed without any problems) and I am now getting the following error:
This product is not compatible with version 4.0.27-standard-log of MySQL. (Compatible starting with 4.1)
Actually neither version will work correctly with Mysql 4.0 (this mysql version doesn't support sub-queries), however I only added the dependency in version 1.1 to avoid any problems popping up.
Sorry - but you should either upgrade to at least 4.1.x or uninstall this mod. Please under no circumstances should you continue to use version 1.0 of this mod.
Originally Posted by Stifler
can u please add the ability to see who used the button in logs.. or at least on the deleted posts.
I've already said in an earlier post (maybe the previous page) that I would add logging. However, soft deleted posts should always show the person who deleted them, so as far as I am aware this feature that you are requesting was there from the beginning.