i'm Sandro, an italian user.
i've upload Vbay 1.1.0 and upgrate it with 1.1.3. it's great script!!!
but...THERE AREN'T or not function
Full paypal support,
Buy it now feature (it's important)
Trader reputation.
what is the problem?
i want suggest you a few mod:
- for next version/mod/fix etc... can you post only mods ? (in this case i can modify and integrate the script that i've just upload and traslate in italian lenguage!)
- there are any methods for pay the user for only vbay usage with paypal ?
- order category listing by alph name...(in the acp)
i've creae a domains marketplace with your script!
Thanks a lot and compliments for yours work! (scusme for my imperfect english)