Originally Posted by andrewtr89
Man, I know no longer what to do.
I have this thing running at minimum capacity in terms of server load right now, and yet I get a CPU overload shut out page. Its not just this host. All to date have complained about how much CPU Resources take up due to the chatbox ajax.
Is this something that can be confidently used on medium sized forums? Then again, I wouldnt call my forum "medium" sized but it does have several thousand members, and at peak times can get 50-100 members and guests on at a time. Guests cant even view the shoutbox as it is so that wouldnt even matter... I'm beginning to feel that with a larger forum this chatbox may not be compatible.
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It seems that it depends of the server configuration coz user with big boards haven't experienced such problems while few of you have.
What refresh rate have you put for the chatbox ?
Have you activated team message warning system and inactive mode ?
Originally Posted by obmob
Hmm... did the spanish phrases had a problem? I think they haven't been updated.
You know, I just figured it out... i'm supposed to see a color change in the date of each message done in the chatbox, but I can't see it, i have the css classes, but it's not working.
Any ideas? 
No spanish phrases are up to date (unless I forgot to put the uptodate version

Regarding the color, there is not change between two dates, it's the same color for all the date in the chatbox.
Did you put the css thing in the right place ?
Originally Posted by redtaz
Hi there this is one of the best chat box mods out there so congrats on that! I really like this except for the fact that I cant figure out how to move it from where its placed. I currently have the Advanced Welcome Box mod on my forums and I would like for the chat box to appear below if does anyone know how I may achieve this? See the attached image for a visual of where I would like it to me.
Thank You,
To do so, you have to follow the howto at the end of the readme file (about style issue).
This is not really a style issue but as both modifications are using replacements to appear after the navbar, the first called will be the first under the navbar. And as you can't manage the order of the plugin calls you have no way of choosing which one will be the first.
So the only thing to is following the little howto to put it under the navbar in your forumhome template