I had an idea for a Mod, but I have no real understanding of how to make mods so I thought i'd post the idea here and see if anyone else wants a go at it
Basically. If a forum/sub-forum is password protected, on the page where you enter the p/w there is a link to a page where users who think they should have access to that area can request the password. The link will take them to a page with a form such as:
Forum Name: Pre-entered as a variable or whatever
Area to be accessed: Pre-entered as a variable or whatever
Why you should be able to access this section:
The user can then submit their request and it will be sent as a PM to an admin/to a page in the admin panel. If it is via a PM the admin can read the PM and send them the password manually. If it is done via the Admin Panel, the admin can choose to 'Send/Ignore'. Upon clicking 'Send' an automated PM is sent to the user with the password and a link to the forum.
Thats just an idea i had, not sure if its all totally possible but I just thought I'd post it =]
Good luck to whoever has a go at making it