Originally Posted by Dismounted
PHP Code:
$password = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
$logouthash = md5($userid . $salt . $license);
setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'userid', $userid, time() + 14400);
setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . 'password', md5($password . $license), time() + 14400);
Thank you! Also i thought the logouthash was userid, passwordmd5 and some sort of cookie secret constant i found defined, i was maybe wrong then.
To all you who still think i should include global.php, doesn't that require me to copy a whole lot of other files so my app can see them? For example init.php, config.inc.php and so on, all files included indirectly by global.php, right?
I'm reluctant to copy too many files from vbulletin into the app directory because at each update i would have to do it again. Also all i needed was the password hash from the cookie so now i can authenticate the user and take it from there because the message board and the portal will share a database, with different table prefixes. It just seems easier to do it this way so far, i tried including global.php but sure enough i needed all the other files included by global.php.