Originally Posted by MortysTW
Guess I misunderstood. I get what you are saying now.
Personally, i don't think any of the sites have the right to charge for the games. Because most of the games out there are technically illegal and violating copyrights.
I guarantee Pepsi, Coke, 7UP, and tons of other companies have NOT given permission to have their games ported to be played on forum arcades.
That's why you'll see most of the sites refer to it as a "donation to the site" and as a way of saying "thanks" they give you access to their games.
I was giving games away for those that donated to MrZeropage, but vbulletin.org staff slapped my hand for that. I forgot we weren't allowed to promote or "force" in any way people to pay for support or access to anything via this site. We have to do it on our own remote sites.
Okay, I'll be explaining. What you said was totally true, they probably don't have the right to distribute such games. Because of this, they are now not only giving away copyright content, but also selling it, which could lead to massive court charges, fines or the site getting shut down. It's very much on thin ice with that payment...
Plus, it conflicts with the mod here. If they are essentially charging for the mod, will they want it to be released for free here? This could actually end up with the mod being send to the graveyard here and everyone losing out on a fine arcade mod. Same with versions for MyBB and phpBB.
Thirdly, it makes many old topics and posts here useless. When someone sends you to that site, now it's paid only. This is going to annoy the average member looking for games, even more so if it appears that they are trying to profit of a free site like this.
Finally, there is a true ownership issue. Many games originated at sites such as Newgrounds. These sites host USER SUBMIITTED work. You can't wait for the site itself to email, seeing as the site itself does not own the content there. It's like taking a ton of mods from here and waiting for vBulletin.org staff to complain by email of legal action. They can't. The users own their work. And it's being sold.
This also ties in with the very unlucky fact that communities from such sites hate thieves and stolen content. I won't say exactly what kind of things sites like Newgrounds, LUELinks or 4Chan do, but it's not exactly nice for those trying to use their content. As I said, research it. Not good prospects await this announcement if the news spreads to the communities of such sites...