Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I set it so only those in group 6 (admins) could not have their posts edited, and I just had a few super moderators (usergroup 5) complain that now they can't edit or delete their own posts. I disabled the hack until it is fixed.
Admins also cannot edit each other's posts as long as they are the author of the post. This is same for Super Moderators but I will check this if they can edit their own posts or not.
Originally Posted by TrIn@dOr
Nice mod, but please grant the permissions working with secondary usergroups not only primary!, can u?
Thanks in advance.
Next release may include this. Thank you for the suggestion.
Originally Posted by giotmuadong
i tried this, but how come SM can edit Admin's post also?
I will check this. Thank you for the information.