Just a thanks to those people who understand the situation - we ARE a small company, and it IS difficult for us to support a lot of hacks at once - there was someone helping us out, but he is not able to access the internet (and hasn't been for a few months)
The threads referred to as beign unanswered ARENT about problems with the software, but about people requesting NEW features or for us to write the mcode to do things the software wasn't designed to do.
I can assure you all that there isn't one person who has had a problem getting the pro shoutbox to work that has come to the forums and not received help.
Unfortunately due to time constraints we CAN'T add everything people request immediately - unfortunately some people see it as their right once they pay for a product such as this to DEMAND that we tailor it to their individual needs, and it's just not reasonable.
Please remember this simple request - if you wouldnt expect it from something you bought from a store - don't expect it from us.
If you buy any piece of software, then call the developer demanding to know how to make it do something that *it can't do* without editing or adding code - theres no way they would do it. Thats a huge company, how can you accept that from them, and not a company with much more limited resources?
We do the best we can, we update our products as often as possible, any bugs are fixed ASAP, and we note down peoples suggestions for future versions.
To those with a problem, you can also post your opinions in the testimonials part of our forum - anyone unsure whether to buy can read those as well. Any product will have its supporters and detractors. We're fortunate enough that out of our hundreds of customers, lots of them have left positive testimonials, while there are remarkably few negative ones.
If anyone has any questions, or comments on this you can feel free to catch me on the support forums, or email me/drop me an MSN message, so this thread doesn't drift any further.

Have a good day,