Originally Posted by MotoMihalich
Can you make the following hack: indicate registration time in the notification email when true users register at forum? This will help to realize minimum period real people need. I think it is much more than 15-20 seconds.
Your suggestion seems to have nothing to do with modification (unless I have missed something). If you'd like to make a suggestion about writing a different hack, please use the appropriate forum at vbulletin.org for this purpose.
Originally Posted by projectpilot
where did you put the code in postbit, I dont have drop downs enabled.
This subject was covered earlier in the thread, please review the earlier posts.
Originally Posted by TrIn@dOr
mfyvie, sometimes u need to delete only 1 post quickaly.
Perhaps u can add a "mode", -> quick soft (Reason SPAM) delete post
I'm sorry, I still don't see the point in this. If all you needed to do was quickly delete a post, it is quite easy to delete a single post with just a few more clicks in vbulletin already. I don't really want to make this mod more complex, or give it too many choices when existing functions provide almost the same thing.
Originally Posted by Subah
Its a great mod
i saw your answer on this request but i hope if you can add this option for ban spacific email for the user , i mean if the user regist with (123 @ domain . com) the ban option effact on this email only not on all emails from (domain . com) !!
i hope i was clear in my bad english 
If what you are saying is that you'd like the entire email domain banned at the same thing, then I think this is a really bad idea. What about when a spammer users @yahoo.com, or @gmail.com? You'd be banning perfectly legitimate users.
Originally Posted by alessai
1 & 2 - I may consider adding events to the vbulletin logs, but I don't really want to maintain separate lists (and write an interface to view them) for this information. If posts are soft deleted then the moderator name is already recorded with "Deleted by" and the person who banned a given spammer is also recorded when you look at the list of banned users.
3 - It is currently possible to undelete soft undeleted posts and unban banned users through existing vbulletin functions. I don't plan to do any additional undelete function - hence the warning message that the action can't be undone.