thanks a lot. I just installed it and would like to use it for the german Ebay partner-program.
I changed line 43 of the xml to:
if (!$parsie['host'] OR !preg_match('/(.*)ebay\.[a-z0-9]+/i', $parsie['host']) OR preg_match('/partners\.webmasterplan\.com/i', $parsie['host']))
Not sure if I got that one right. This should contain the domain of the rewritten URLs to prevent double-rewriting right?
and line 57 to:
$newurl = 'http://partners.webmasterplan.com/click.asp?ref=372170&site=1382&type=text&tnb=23&diurl=' . rawurlencode(str_replace('&', '&', $url));
Please note that the IDs in line 57 are hardcoded. The ID entered in the VB-settings will
NOT be used, you will have to edit the xml-file manually and enter your ref and site IDs there.
Here is the line of code again, this time with markers instead of my IDs:
$newurl = 'http://partners.webmasterplan.com/click.asp?ref=###enter_your_ref_id_here###&site=###enter_your_site_id_here###&type=text&tnb=23&diurl=' . rawurlencode(str_replace('&', '&', $url));
Works for me, maybe someone can use this.
all the best,