help on config file please
hi on my vbulletin i have deleted the admin username by accedent and i dont know how to bring back the admin with all rights . i have created a admin username from my other account but on the other account is not allowing me to give full acces to the admin cp . so if i make someone as admin from my other account is not allowing me to give full acces for the admin cp in there admin cp is saying this look
Sorry, you are not allowed to edit administrator permissions.
If you think you should have permission to access this page, you will need to edit the $config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] variable in the includes/config.php file.
To allow the administrators to access this page, edit the variable to include the user IDs of those administrators should have access, separating each user ID with a comma, like this:
$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1,25,57';
To allow only a single administrator to access this page, simply add that user's ID with no commas, like this:
$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1';
can someone help me pleaseeeee