Originally Posted by jlp09550
Yes, I have the English set importing, but get the error. I have tried chagning the file name even.
You have checked the overwrite language file in the page ?
Originally Posted by certvn
Please see on my attachment
Hum permissions seems ok to me. About your problem, is it encountered by all the user of a usergroup or only few of them ?
Originally Posted by gazzak
I cannot find anything to do with fonts and colours. My users want the old shoutbox back because they love the colours/fonts being stuck for the whole login so if you could explain I'll do the changes.
Then this is because you haven't followed carefully the install instructions coz you should have modified the modifyoptions template during the install for those option to appear.
Becareful and do it quick coz if you don't do so your user could see the chatbox disappear if they make any change in the options pages.