Originally Posted by jlp09550
I know this is an easy-to-answer question, but I'm not an expert at this yet.. but..
I get this error when importing the lanuage set:
You have taken the right language file ?
Originally Posted by certvn
Yes. I sure
All group can see chatbox but only group "Registered Users" can see and other group can't see
Help me please!
Thanks advanced
Could you provide me with screenshot of the settings you have put for both usergroups plz ?
Originally Posted by ronx
Hi VBDev,
he is saying that he can see the frame and some of the icons for the chatbox but none of the conversational text no matter what he does.
thx, ronx
I have installed safari 3 on my mac as this was the version 2 installed on my computer.
And there is really no problem, the chatbox run very well, I can see all the shouts in it
Originally Posted by andrewtr89
If you mean by editing shouts then yes, I suppose but its a bit of a hassle. Having replacement variables would be nice in a future version if it wasnt too difficult.
No I mean by using the censor functionnality of vbulletin (censor words are being replaced by *).