Originally Posted by rainyleaves
I get two error when I upgraded from 2.012 to 2.013.
1. Group Leader can't get thread edit permission.
-- Edit button is disappeared. ( I doble checked user's permission.)
-- But Admin has edit permission.
-- GROUPS's general permission(Threads edit & delete) setting is not effect for user groups.
* Note : Users can edit thread when I re-imported just only 2.0.12 product-xml.
But it's mean, Users can just edit thread, General Permission Setting is still can not effect.
2. Group Leader get this error when delete all threads.
See attachment image.
3. I get this error with only Vbulletin(No other Mods).
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/****/public_html/groups/viewthread.php on line 218
And I get another problem with 2.013.
I can't get postbit.
Of course I didn't 'Use Legacy Postbit' option to 'Yes'(I set 'No').
And my VB postbit and postbit_legacy isn't edted.
How can I use postbit for GROUPS?
* My VB's default display is Postbit_legacy.
I'm a donated user...
Please fix this bug... 
Permission bug has fixed. lol !!!
Bug caused by 2.0.13 Product-xml code.
I can fixed when I
2.0.13 Product-xml file's plug-in code changed.
I think, 2.0.13 Product-xml file has something wrong.
Now I got little & only one bug.
2. Group Leader get this error when delete all threads from own groups.
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/****/public_html/groups/viewthread.php on line 218
I can fix this error message when I delete 'viewthread.php on line 218' code line.
Is this right? I think this is not right...
What can I do for this bug?
Please help...