With only pushing that much traffic I see no reason why a shared hosting account cannot support your website. Not sure why you would need a VPS, specially if you have never ran a server before it would be alot more hassle then good for you.. 700 visitors a day on a VB forum is not alot of resources at all, and a good shared hosting machine could handle that no problem, now if you start getting 700 users + online at all times, then maybe a VPS or even a dedicated would be good, but if its only 700 throughout the day thats a small foot print. Id be glad to assit you in a shared hosting account that would be affordable for you and handle the items you need to handle, then as your site grows we can work on a dedicated server or VPS as you need it. But right now, I really dont see the need for the extra expense unless of course you plan to grow alot bigger very quickly. and if thats the case, Instead of investing in a VPS, you should probably start with a dedicated server, so you will not have to move the site again for a good while..
If I could help you further feel free to contact me, or if you just have further questions respond on the board ill gladly help answer them my email is
If your heart is set on a VPS you need to ask yourself a few questions
1. How much do I expect to expand the site and it to grow within 6 months.
2. How much do I know about running a linux/windows (whichever you choose linux being the cheapest) server? Will I need to pay extra to have it managed (could cost between 50-100 a month easy for just the management)
You also have to understand a VPS is on a shared processor, so its basically a shared hosting account with you being allocated say X amount of Ram, X amount of HD space X amount of bandwidth, but your still sharing the same processor and the same bandwidth port.