Originally Posted by Xtrato
weird.... that post was for another topic..
Actually i really like your website , very well done , good job.
simple ,effective , good use of navigation there. maybe when you hit forums on main nav, it takes you to the forums,instead of finding your way still trough cats.
But good job. 9/10
Much appreciated.
I do it the other way because I'm able to use title tags and help beef up SEO for the page. In just two weeks, I've been able to get ranked in pretty much every keyword I wanted and on the first few, if not first page.
Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
looks nice, very nice and professonal, alot of white space on the main page tho, try fill it up.
Thanks for the comments.
As I continue to write articles, it'll fill up. I'm not big on creating things just to fill white space as I think that defeats the purpose and frustrates users. Under the slideshow that 2nd tier of features will run 10 deep and span the remainder of the white space.
Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
Why would you want to show banned users on users who have visited today?
How did you add the Titled Separators in your Drop Down?
Nice Site !
What do you mean titled separators? I add the title tag to most of my links if that is what you're inquiring about.