this is the great addon , i used since it was in 1.7 version
now i updated to 2.2.8 rc2
there is 2 bugs i found :
1.when i click the Media Players in admin. i lose what i choose on it for the encoding choice
-> just click to use encoding choice for all players then save , it will not save your choice in displaying
2. i add mid extension to be played with mediaplayer but it always ask me to dwonload when i visit the mid entries , i need it to be played in the player that included in page like other extensions
i suggest these features if it will be there , the product will be more than perfect :
1. uploading feature that can upload media vedio files and convert them to .flv to be seen by flash player of the site . like youtube service
2.when i have for example themes for mobiles and i have for any file of these themes one jif or jpg so
i need to ask the fcript to search in folder and collect all data entries for the files
the description for thes files will be also the omage related for them and this should be done automaticly
for example with file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg
it will show with description file1.jpg ,ofcourse the image should be in the [img] to be shown and this should be done automaticly
i did it in 1.7 bu with manual edet every time i need to add like this manner
thank u for this product and it is very very professioanl with your support which is amazing