Originally Posted by Jafo232
It has not been tested on 2.3 as of yet. When it is released, I will tackle it then.
Fair enough!
I started digging a little bit and one of the problems is that the wp-admin scripts have been re-organized in WP2.3. In particular, wp-admin/admin-db.php no longer exists.
I commented out the require-once for it in vbbridge.php to see if I could determine which functions were being used. And that seemed to fix the plugin.
I'm going to run with it until I can see a problem, but I just thought I'd ask. To your knowledge, is admin-db.php being used in vbbridge.php and if so, for what. I just want to track it down if I can.
Anyway, for now, vbbridge appears to be working in WP2.3 with the one change I mentioned above.