The feed looks good, but it looks like the feed is all there is. Am I overlooking something?
There is a forum, but most of it is private. I have turned of the live feeds from posting into the forum as I was getting 2,500 a day. I am working on selecting the categories I want to post.
The reason this site exists to to have 10+ sport card forums feeding into this site. I do NOT want members to post. If people could post it would make it hard for me to convince other forum owners to sign up.
The registered users will have a profile that will feed in their feedback scores from all other sites and be much like MySpace.
There are private forums for moderators. Right now I have 40+ mods from 3 sites actually working TOGETHER to fight bad traders. In the sport card industry there are a lot of scammers. We are sharing data to fight scam and spam.
sponser in the header looks abit crappy, like your trying to earn to much money.. it moves the forum away.. very distracting.
Never had any complaints and where I see 90% of forums placing their Google Adsense. Also, the site is on a $270 a month server and I ain't looking at losing money each month.
hmm well lets see, looks good ,but then when that feeder starts to role , get a little confusing..
You can pause it. Also, registered users can select "favorite feeds" and the feeds will come in much slower.
Thanks for all the feedback so far! I am about 25% where I want this site to be! I hope to add many more sites soon, but some are PhPBB and Invision and takes for code changes.