Originally Posted by MortysTW
So, the only thing you are "re-up'n" is the actual functions.php file? Not the product.xml file?
Cuz in no way should your functions.php file be allowed to be "written" to where it would be altering every few hours. Unless you've been hacked and their is some weird Cron job going on that keeps tweaking that file.
But if you are doing the product too, I'm guessing its a "scheduled event" in your AdminCP>Scheduling & Maintance (SOMETHING LIKE THAT)
Its at the very bottom.
Turn off that CREDITS mod for a few hours and see what happens. Might not hurt to check just for the hell of it that you don't have any users with a ; or a / in their username.
Alright. I'll uninstall the vbcredits with ibproarcade mod and report back.