Originally Posted by alfieuk
The whole thing appears to be working, just not in usercp.
I have updated all my templates :/
I can see the donate credites block and the transaction window at the bottom of the user cp page, is it meant to show in the menu also, on the left?
just add this to your usercp then in the location you added the template hook.
HTML Code:
<td class="$navclass[credits]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="credits.php">$vbphrase[manage] $vbphrase[credits]</a></td>
keep in mind the minimum version for vbcredits 1.4 will be
3.6.6 (so far)
Originally Posted by Rated
Thanks for the response Dark.
In the meantime, I editted two of the vBcredit templates to add a column to the 'Top Credit Holders' list to show 'Banked Credits'.
I also cheated and withdrew enough of my bank credits to be on the top of the list...lmao.
Then I changed it back, you can view it here:
Gaming-Forum.org Top Credit Holders List
Looking very much forward to the release...will be a great and better replacement to the long dead vBplaza.
:-p the new switch thats been added also takes into effect for memberlist and the top x list
Originally Posted by PixelFx
SPeed issue was a DOS Attack on our ftp, IP's have been delt with .. I'll be changing how the software loads on our server, so its specific to 1 account vs open ended ips. Should fix the speed issues massively.