Originally Posted by HondaATC
Well the stats seemed to have fixed themselves (refresh period perhaps or something?) But My server name is still to long to be displayed on the forum. Not a big deal though.
Thanks for the most excellent mod that does infact work with the 3.6 series
edit: The only other thing I did notice that isn't working, is the activity bar. You can check it on my homepage http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com
I found a way to fix the truncated server name. The max character limit is set to 25 in the product, so we can adjust that to whatever we like. Unfortunately, I was not able to make the changes within the loaded product/plugin templates so I had to uninstall and re-install the product in order for the changes to take effect.
Here is the edit:
Open product-eggdrop_irc_manager. in a script compliant editor(I used Dreamweaver) and find the line(usually 12):
server varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
Change the (25) to (30) or something higher. Save and re-import the product and the max character value for that field will be longer.
Hope this helps.