Thanks for your reply Eikinskjaldi.
Below is the list of phrases that I have edited to contain the variable $vboptions[bbtitle_discrete] in place of $vboptions[bbtitle].
Email Subject Text Phrases Containing 'bbtitle_discrete':
- accountlocked
- activateaccount_change
- contactus
- infraction_received
- lostpw
- moderation_deleted
- moderation_validated
- newuser
- parentcoppa_profile
- parentcoppa_register
- payment_received
- payment_reversed
- pmboxalmostfull
- pmboxfull
- pmreceived
- reportbadpost_discuss
- reportbadpost_nodiscuss
- resetpw
- warning_received
Email Body Text Phrases Containing 'bbtitle_discrete':
- accountlocked
- activateaccount
- activateaccount_change
- birthday
- contactus
- digestforum
- digestthread
- infraction_received_post
- infraction_received_profile
- lostpw
- moderation_deleted
- moderation_validated
- moderator
- newevent
- newuser
- notify
- paidsubscription_reminder
- parentcoppa_profile
- parentcoppa_register
- payment_received
- payment_reversed
- pmboxalmostfull
- pmboxfull
- pmreceived
- reminder
- resetpw
- sendtofriend
- usermessage
- warning_received_post
- warning_received_profile
Where is it that the variable $vboptions[bbtitle] is set in the code?
Does it have something to do with the $registry variable?
I am assuming that it is pulled out of the Database, set once, and then it is available to all scripts, similar to a type of global variable.
If I could find out how 'bbtitle' is declared so that it is available in all of these phrases, I could declare 'bbtitle_discrete' in a similar manner.