In my sidebar this module kills my theme.
In my center column it looks awesome... but.... Someone left a good sized comment with a long URL. It is stretching my theme to the right so the right column you now have to scroll to see all of it.
What code do I have to change to make this module when in the center column not stretch.
How can I set the width of this in a center column so it perfectly matched my other blocks?
I am sorry if my comments about your module didn't sit right with you... but... like I said in a side column it is all whacked out for me and doesn't look as nice as your great screen shot.
There are other problems with your module as well. URLs don't show correctly nor does BB codes. For instance, instead of a nice hyper link in a comment it shows:
["URL][/URL"] (without the "")
So How do I stop the block from stretching when long urls are posted?
Again don't take my comments personally and fire back at me but it has problems and I am willing to help the best I can by at least letting you know so you can make an even better module.
Thanks for a great module its a one of a kind so far!