We felt that releasing what we had done so far as beta to premium members would help us with a controled beta test. And when we release it to 200K members here, we want to make sure its a good stable product, as professional made as possible, and doesn't waste our time or yours working out issues with bugs that should of been fixed before release anyway.
Please note the techically the beta is ment for localhost testing and not a production enviroment.
Although I think some of those testing are doing that anyway, they can tell you how stable the beta is them selves. and or what they think of it so far.
Part of this process also gives dark time to make sure all the addons and converters we have are also stable with vbcredits v1.4, aka IBP Arcade, Living avatars, v3arcade, vBookie and other addons, including vbcredit$, Hide Hack, and more.. these all need to be tested and worked out so that when we release the FREE full version of vBCredits v1.4 to you guys that everything is working.
Seems the way we have choosen to do this makes the best sense and gives you guys the best possible product for your forums/communities, period!
We're sorry for those that don't read what we've said above and or uninstall, your missing out on some cool stuff that we'll be working on after this release.
Anyway guys, thanks supporting our scripts, dark and I both doing our best to get both support and stuff out in a timely mannor
Please remember to click install so we have a general idea of whos using it