First impression is that the default style needs work. Purple, Yellow, Green, and pale light Blue don't work. I'd use no more than a maximum of three colors (neutrals don't count and multiple shades of the same color don't count as different colors). If it was your old style, Style1 looks a bit more alright IMO, at least better than the Purple one, but it's too bit plain as well. I'd use different colors for the page background and the overall background around that (if you know what I mean) becuase it seems less plain that way.
Speaking of plain, add descriptions to your forums. Seeing descriptionless forums makes it seem too bare. The number of forums also furthers that. Cut back on forums, possibly merge some together. There's too many for such a small site. I'd recommend between ten and fifteen on the high side.
They say you have ten to fifteen seconds to get your visitor's attention, and while the top rule is that content is king, your look and feel play an important first impression, just like in real life. If you're not a big huge site with loads of content, that is especially true. Things that aren't so flashy can still be good, but not many stick around to figure that out if it doesn't look good.
Personal advise is to work on the skins, cut back on the number of forums and add descriptions to them, and maybe also look at adding the User Online Today MOD. It's great for smaller boards that have activity but are commonly low on users online to show they aren't dead. I'd also probably hide the active members part myself.