Originally Posted by DudeSicko
Hmm, i have now tried to install it 3 times, and still not working on 3.6.8?
Install is as it should bee im 100000% sure of.
But just i dont get the options to manage the favor icons under profile, the i dont get the text to press for editing.
I then tried to past in this misc.php?do=editfavsmilies in the URL bar, but i then get "Admin, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:"
If i look in the database the "favsmiliepermissions" is set to 1.
I also can see the 4 options under "Message Posting Interface Options". ofc its turned on there also, but still nada.
It looks as if you didn't reset the Usergroup bitfield. Click on any Usergroup in the Admin CP, as if you're going to edit it and see if that helps. *Also at the bottom of the "Usergroup Options" the default setting should be "Yes" for Favorite Smilies.
Nice mod, Darwinist.