Originally Posted by BigDog56
Installed the mod, no problems. Now I'll have to wait for someone to request a change before I know it's working without a hitch. Nice mod. Thank you very much for the time you spent creating it! :up:
If you want to learn how it works, you can simply make a test user on your forum (which isn't a bad idea anyways to test user permissions in general) & request a change from that account.
---> I only have one more issue with this module now: User requests a name change, admin approves; it Private Messages the user; WHAT IT the user turned off e-mailed notification upon new Private Messages? They'll have difficulties logging in next time unless they're smart enough to try their new username?!?! (this happened to me).
---> Plus, it would be nice to see a feature added which would allow an immediate change of the username if the admin allows; in cases where an admin won't have a reason not to approve a username change. In this case, history should still be kept.