okay, i completely uninstalled it & started over...i cant get it to work, or show up
New installation
1. Upload the files from the f folder in your forum folder (For the images folder, don't forget to add its contents in each of your styles folders). DONE
2. Import the product-mgc_bitfield_custom.xml product from the p folder. DONE
3. Import the produit product-mgc_chatbox.xml product from the p folder. DONE
4. Import the language file:
In the admincp, go in : Languages & Phrases >> Download / Upload Languages
Click on the Browse button and select the language file from the l folder
In the overwrite language dropwdown, select the language in which you want to install the chatbox phrases.
Select yes for Ignore language version.
Click on import.
5. Do the following templates modifications for each of your styles. DONE * note: "in the additional css, add:" <-- not sure where that goes (instructions are very vague)...i used the drop-down menu in the Style Manager to select "Main CSS", and I pasted the "/** DEBUT MGC CHATBOX **/" code in the bottom-most box under "Additional CSS Definitions"
6. If you use the chatbox on all pages feature with global var, add in the corresponding templates the $mgc_chatbox variable wherever you want the chatbox to be shown. huh?? can i get this in layman-terms please?? 
so, i seem to have (most) everything installed correctly....i went thru and edited permissions of all usergroups so they can see/use the chatbox
i must be close cause i didnt get any errors & everything i did went okay...
so can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong or what i'm NOT doing???