Originally Posted by PJAmerica
Sorry to hear that. Get better and I look forward to your update when you have time.
Thanks, PJ.
Originally Posted by manub
I have some troubles about my logo. I need to tell my friends about the size of the logo, nor I know where to place it into the header. I found the comments for AD code and links but no info for the logo
Can someone help me? Thanks 
You can change the logo by editing the "Title Image" field in the Style Manager.
Originally Posted by theforumplace
Could you release a style like this with the same layout, just lighter colours? I've tryed Creating a lighter version of this but have failed misserably XD i Love the layout of it though
If you already have the likelyness is im just blind so if you could post a link or PM me, Thanks
I don't know that I'll have time to make different colored versions of this in the near future. I desperately need to make up lost work time. Perhaps someone else can give you a hand with this.
Anyhoo, I'll try and get this updated for 3.6.8 sometime tomorrow. I upgraded and updated Eyedolize today, so the template updates I need to make are fresh in my mind.